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Pam's story

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A little right brain, a little left brain, and a whole lot of humanity.

As a little girl growing up in a difficult environment, Pamela found solace in the endless shelves of books at the library. Each book felt like a treasure chest she held in her hands. The words printed on the pages offered sanctuary in the form of escape, inspiration, and hope. Sitting in a deep closet in the family's small, upstairs apartment, barricaded by a wall of board games and holding a flashlight, she started to write. As young as seven or eight, her fingers ached for the pen.


In high school she dreamed of becoming a reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine and earned a degree in a journalism from St. Bonaventure University, but life had other plans. She became a single mother and took a job in public relations to make ends meet, eventually earning an M.B.A. Over the next two decades Pamela became the youngest c-suite executive in the Western New York higher education industry, making it to VP by her mid-thirties. She ran multi-million-dollar budgets, huge marketing and fundraising divisions, and became an international leadership coach. While she did a lot of professional writing and publishing during those years (including a fundraising book), that simple act of creative writing she fled to as a child remained her first love.


In 2021, Pamela left higher education and went into full-time consulting and writing. She served as an executive consultant and Editor-in-Chief for a global, digital news outlet. She has published five books of her own. For client-authors she has served as a ghostwriter, co-writer, editor, and marketing consultant. She has been featured in magazines, on podcasts, in trade journals, and by media and companies globally.


For those looking to write a book, Pam will guide you through the creative process. As a marketing professional, she can help you develop powerful pitches for agents and publishers. Pamela also offers editing and developmental editing services.




Expert journalist

Like mini-memoirs, Pamela has written 27 feature articles for Orato World Media in the voice of the interview subject. This craft is called first-person news: stories written and verified by a journalist in the voice of the interview subject. Pamela worked with business executives, celebrities, industry heads, survivors, and thought leaders to share their emotional and compelling life experiences.

Co-writer and Ghostwriter

Pamela has ghostwritten or co-written full-length books with clients. After completing the manuscript, she developed marketing analyses and powerful pitch packets leading to book contracts with publishers. She prioritizes the client's vision for the book while offering realistic and evidence-based recommendations to strengthen the potential for publication.

Trainer and Speaker

Having won multiple contracts herself for keynote speeches, conference presentations, corporate workshops, and teaching opportunities, Pamela coaches clients to ensure their book and articles serve as a calling card. The book is only the first step in career expansion. Done right, it should lead to opportunities to speak, teach, and present. Pam also helps with rate setting recommendations.


Oversaw corporate website relaunches, institutional rebrands, analytics, viral PR campaigns, IMCPs, social media strategies, leadership communication plans, advertising, and more.

Contract work

Most recently, Pamela worked as a contracted administrator and Editor-in-Chief for a digital news startup to establish its non-profit foundation and permeate the brand globally. In the past, she conducted a fundraising assessment and full shop reorganization for a major healthcare system; provided transition, strategic, and fundraising planning for myriad non-profits; and has been hired to deliver leader-manager trainings, keynotes, and articles around the world.


Authored three books through traditional publishers and two self-published. Has been featured in Advancing Philanthropy Magazine, the Chronicle of Philanthropy and the Wiley Journal Fundraising Success. Appeared in blogs and on podcasts. Wrote and edited hundreds of published articles and pieces. Ghostwritten for CEOs and Presidents.


Supported institutional budgets up to $76 million. Managed multi-million-dollar departmental budgets. Led acquisition and administration for grants up to $2 million. Served as a key contributor in developing a best-in-class  strategic plan and institutional dashboard.

Speaking & Training

Delivered over 100 keynotes, workshops, and trainings around the globe. Wrote, created, and delivered a 12-week, fully digital training program to an international audience. Ranked as a top presenter by multiple conferences. 


Raised millions in major gifts; led campaigns; built sustainable annual funds; integrated predictive modeling and analysis; developed giving programs; and ultimately earned her CFRE.




Former Faculty
The Asking Academy & The CASE Management Institute

Certificate, Literary Representation

UCLA Extension

Certified Fundraising Executive CFRE International

Cert, Developing Major Gifts

IU Lilly School of Philanthropy


Empire State University

B.A., Journalism and Mass Communications

St. Bonaventure University



2020 Founder's Award

Leadership Allegany

2019 Emerging Leader Award

Empire State University​

2016 Athena Young Professional Finalist

Buffalo Niagara Partnership 

2013 Citizen of the Year

Allegany Pamona Grange 

2012 Alumna of the Year

Leadership Cattaraugus 

2011 40 Under Forty

Buffalo Business First 



Board of Directors

Cuba Memorial Hospital

Board President

Association of Fundraising Professionals of WNY

Board of Directors

Greater Allegany County Chamber of Commerce

​Editorial Committee

Advancing Philanthropy Magazine

Volunteer Posts


Big Brothers Big Sisters


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